"Waadi" is a member of our 9U cohort.  A 3rd grader at West Philadelphia Achievement Charter School, he started participating in Monarchs programs at age five.  Waadi is one of our most diligent participants. In addition to playing soccer, indoor soccer, basketball, and baseball with the Monarchs, he attends our weekly chess club, our Sunday morning reading group, and just about everything else we have to offer! Plus he can frequently be found watching older teams practice, helping out with practices for our 8U and developmental groups, and generally spending as much time at Anderson as possible.

We asked Waadi what keeps him coming back every day, how he spends his time with the Monarchs, and his favorite sports memory. We love his answer to the last question: if you listen closely, you'll never hear him mention his own name! It's the rare nine-year-old who is so focused on the success of his team and teammates. We're lucky to have Waadi here every day, and we're looking forward to seeing a lot more of him in the years to come!